Angela Tuffley
Angela Tuffley is the Director and Principal Consultant of RedBay Consulting and is highly skilled in the methodology and assessment of complex projects with special focus on the Defence sector, achieving excellent results with a proven international track record.
Consultancy: Ms Tuffley provides expert professional services in consultancy, training and assessment of processes for the acquisition, engineering and support of software intensive systems. She focuses on the Schedule Confidence (previously Compliance) Risk Assessment Method (SCRAM); Capability Maturity Model® Integration (CMMI®) and ISO/IEC 15504 Information Technology Process Assessment (SPICE). She has delivered numerous services in schedule risk assessments (SCRAM), Managing Schedule Risk (MSR) courses, software estimation, measurement and analysis, software quality audits, CMMI training, SCAMPI (CMMI) appraisals and CMMI Instructor observations.
Leading-edge applied research: Ms Tuffley is a principal developer of the Schedule Confidence (previously Compliance) Risk Assessment Methodology and the CASG-sponsored Managing Schedule Risk (MSR) course. SCRAM is highly conducive to effective schedule management by establishing a framework and process for identifying root causes of schedule slippage. Experiences from conducting SCRAMs are incorporated into the MSR course material. SCRAM has been funded by the Australian Department of Defence and has been used to assess the risk to schedule confidence on a number of programs including the development and introduction of the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF).
International consultancy: Ms Tuffley’s expertise is recognised internationally. She was a Visiting Scientist for the Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University (an honorary role as representative of that prestigious U.S. institution in Australia). She was a part-time Senior Lecturer in Software Engineering at Griffith University from 2000 to 2005, an Adjunct Senior Research Fellow for the Institute for Integrated and Intelligent Systems (IIIS), Griffith University from 2009 to 2011 and an Adjunct Senior Lecturer, Griffith University. In 2004, she was a member of the Australian Federal Government Working Party for Software Quality Accreditation providing expert advice to a Ministerial Report on Software Quality Accreditation in the Australian Context. For six years she actively participated in working groups for ISO/IEC –developing international standards to improve the development of software.
Conference convenor & keynote speaker: For 10 years, Ms Tuffley was the convenor and program chair of a major Systems and Software Engineering Conference in Australia and Japan and is well-known by the Systems and Software Engineering community both in Australia and Internationally. She has delivered keynote addresses at the IEEE International Multi-Topic Conference (INMIC), Pakistan and Project Management Asia Conference, Singapore.
High pressure, high stakes project management: Ms Tuffley has successfully managed large projects for the XIIth Commonwealth Games in Brisbane, Mitre 10 (Qld), Prime Computer (UK) and provided support and consultancy for software engineering projects within the defence community, federal government departments, state government departments, local government, telecommunication providers, financial institutions and commercial organisations.
Academic qualifications: She has a Bachelor of Science and a Graduate Diploma in Software Quality, both from Griffith University.