Shireane McKinnie
Shireane McKinnie PSM, HonFIEAust is an accomplished leader in acquisition and sustainment of complex, high technology Defence systems. Her experience spans aerospace, electronics, maritime, land, explosive ordnance and ICT sectors. As a General Manager and in other positions in the Defence Materiel Organisation Shireane led the acquisition and sustainment effort for significant renewal of Australian Defence Force’s (ADF) fixed and rotary wing aircraft fleets, its ship and submarine fleets, vehicle fleet upgrades and the modernisation of the ADF’s Command, Control, Communications, Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance and explosive ordnance capabilities.
Shireane has outstanding credentials in governance of complex enterprises gained through many years of experience in senior executive leadership and governance roles, including membership of the very senior Defence Committees and her membership of private sector boards and Government oversight and governance committees.
Shireane has a notable record in achieving major reforms, with consideration of the effects of changes on people and on business models. With the formation of the Defence Materiel Organisation in 2000, Shireane led the integration of acquisition and sustainment functions in the electronics domain. This transformative change was effective in bringing whole of life considerations to decision making. She later led the DMO’s contribution to Defence’s Strategic Reform Program to save $5.5billion in sustainment costs. She also led significant reforms to Defence engineering, project management and contracting practices.
Since leaving Defence in 2015, Shireane established her own business to provide professional services to Government and industry. She holds a number of governance positions in the Public and Private sectors as a Board Chair, Director and Audit Committee member.
Shireane is a Certified Schedule Compliance and Risk Methodology (SCRAM) Assessor.
In 2010, Shireane was awarded the Public Service Medal for outstanding achievement in the field of engineering and defence acquisition. She was also awarded an Honorary Fellowship of Engineers Australia in 2015, the highest membership award, for conspicuous service to the engineering profession. Shireane has also been recognised, by Engineers Australia, in the top 100 most influential engineers in Australia on four occasions and was the inaugural winner of the Australian Defence Magazine Women in Defence, Hall of Fame Award. She received a Chief of Air Force Commendation in 2015 for exceptional and continuous contribution to Air Force capability.